Chris & Lorri-Anne
Chelsey's page
Danielle's Page
Anthony's Page
Athena's Page
Everyday things
Road Trips

 I guess this was a summer picture
at Knott's. Athena's hiding behind the
  Hola!!! Here we went to Dora the Explorer Show in Thousand Oaks

Sierra Summit

The snow here was about 5 feet deep and we dug a hole to take this picture with the cool icicles in back of us

This picture was taken
inside of their first
igloo they made

Mommy and Athena
decide to join them
after it's finished.
It is actually warmer
in here than outside.

  Their igloo entrances they

 spent so much time on.

  Their own igloo entrance.

This was before
the clubbing started
we are still
coherent.... a little
glossy but that's
normal right? I just
found out that if
you don't wanna
wait in that long
line for a Cab....
catch 'em before they get there and slip them some ca$h on top of the fare.

Our first cruise.

Compliments of my Foley & Bezek.

 2004 to

First hour on
the ship, the kids went for a dip in the pool.

 Still docked in San Pedro
